Student registration form


Supervisor registration form

Analysis of hypernuclei in simulated data of the BM@N experiment

The study of the hypernuclei production is one of the main physics goals of the BM@N experiment. In this work the study of basic distributions of simulated hypertriton through different decay channels is proposed.


The participant is invited to:
-learn the process of simulating hypernuclei in the BmnRoot software package
-learn how to extract basic information about a hypernucleus from its decay products
-reconstruct the mass spectrum for hypernuclei from the reconstructed data

Preliminary schedule by topics/tasks

First 3 weeks:
-installing, configuring and learning the basics of the BmnRoot
-starting event simulation and reconstruction
-exploring the basic distributions for the simulated hypertriton

Remaining 4 weeks:
-writing programs to reconstruct hypertriton masses from reconstructed decay products
-testing programs on simulated data
-optimization and tuning of the algorithm

Required skills

work in Linux, good C++ and STL, basic knowledge about hypernuclei

Acquired skills and experience

The student will learn how to work with experimental and simulated data in high-energy physics, become familiar with working in a collaboration, and take the first steps in investigating the properties of hepernuclei obtained in an experiment.

Recommended literature
