Student registration form


Supervisor registration form

Project of an application for configuring digitizer

The simplest way to configure our CAEN electronics devices is to set register values one by one. It is simple and common use but setting register values directly entails the risk of errors. It is easy to make mistakes calculating bits in every 32-bit register value. The first goal of this project is to create simply a user-friendly application for configuring CAEN digitizer 1725. The second one is integrating this software with Data Acquisition System(DAQ) to acquire data from stilbene detectors. The project should be made with due diligence. Particular attention should be paid to the tests and the dependencies between groups of registers within one device and between devices in the entire acquisition system.


1) Getting acquainted with the documentation of the currently used software
2) Development of software for the configuration of electronic equipment
3) Using a version control system in the software development process
4) Creating documentation for the end-user

Preliminary schedule by topics/tasks

1) Getting acquainted with the problem, configuring tools for group work(1-2 days)
2) Creating a preliminary version of the system( one week)
3) Tests(3-4 days)
4) Completing the project(3 weeks)
5) Tests(3-4 days)
6) Creation of documentation(3-4 days)
The final work schedule will be agreed upon with the student.

Required skills

• English level B2
• C and C++ knowledge
• Basic knowledge of signal processing
• knowledge of the Qt library will be an advantage

Acquired skills and experience

The student(s) will be able to:
use technical documentation of the C++ framework, create software for configuring and controlling an external electronic device, create technical documentation and the end user manual, use the git system version control in teamwork

Recommended literature