Student registration form


Supervisor registration form


INTErnational REmote Student Training at JINR

JINR science:

INTEREST is a JINR University Centre online programme intended for science / engineering / IT students under 30, (starting from their 3rd year)
and up to the end of the 1st year of the PhD course, from all over the world.
Our main goal is to help you choose
a research project in one of the science fields at JINR, and facilitate your communication with
project supervisors.

Do science online

Take an opportunity to join the everyday work of JINR scientists remotely

Get preselected for "START"

Build contacts with project supervisors and raise your chances to be selected for the onsite START programme at JINR

JINR: get to know us

Learn more about JINR, its laboratories, fields of research, and the opportunities it provides for students

How to apply

To become an INTEREST participant, you need to take a few simple steps

Should you experience any problems with the steps indicated below, please feel free to contact the INTEREST team for guidance and support:


Register on the website by clicking the REGISTER button and filling in the registration form. Afterwards, please check your e-mail for further instructions.

Choose a project and apply

Our programme runs in Waves. Each Wave has a fixed starting date and lasts for 4-6 weeks, depending on your agreement with the project supervisor. Therefore, choose a Wave. Select one or several projects that fit your field of interest and can be most beneficial for your work, thesis, etc. Read the project description and skill requirements carefully. Fill in the motivation box and press APPLY.

Get selected

Wait for the selection results that you will receive by email together with further instructions. You may be accepted only on one of the projects that you have chosen. The selection results will also be posted in the Wave section before the Wave starting date.

Choose a Wave

Our programme runs in Waves. Each Wave has a fixed starting date and lasts for 4-6 weeks, depending on your agreement with the project supervisor. For more detailed information on the Wave deadlines please click the Wave.


Should you need any assistance, guidance or support, please feel free to contact our Team members by

Elena Karpova

Wave manager

Anna Zubova

Wave manager

Mikhail Shirochenko

Website manager


  • To participate in the programme, you need to take the following simple steps:
    1. Register on the website by clicking the REGISTER button and filling in the registration form. Wait for your form to be approved by the Team. Afterwards, you will receive an email with a login and password to be able to log in as a student to apply for projects.
    2. Choose a Wave, view its projects, and select one or several projects that fit your field of interest and can be most beneficial for your work, thesis, etc. The more projects you choose, the more defocused you seem, the less chances to be selected you get.
    3. Apply for the project: read the project description and skill requirements carefully, fill in the motivation box and press the APPLY button. The selection results will be announced not later than 5 days before the Wave starting date. Please monitor your mail. If you do not get any feedback 5 days before the Wave starting date, please contact our Team:

  • Rejection of applications happens for the following main reasons:
    • According to your profile, you do not have the skills required for the project, or the project lies outside your field of interest.
    • You are overqualified for the project, and accepting you will not be efficient.
    • Your profile does not give enough information about your qualifications, and the supervisor has chosen a student with a more detailed profile.
    • You have applied for too many projects.
    If your application has been rejected, you can try adding more details to your profile (thesis, CV indicating the skills related to the project, articles, a more specific motivation) and apply for projects in the next Wave.

  • After you have been selected for the project and confirmed your participation, the Team will contact you to provide further instructions.
    Your work on the project will be carried out via Zoom, WhatsApp (or any convenient platform), and email, upon agreement with your project supervisor. You will also agree on your working schedule.
    At the end of your project work you must submit a written report.

    The requirements to the report are the following:
    1. The report should include an abstract that will be published on the website.
    2. The abstract must be written in English and should contain not more than 150 words.
    3. The language of the main part can be English or Russian.
    4. The volume of the main part should be 10-15 pages (including figures and references), font size 12-14.
    5. The contents of the main part should include the following sections: introduction (main problem, background, findings), project goals, scope of work, methods, figures/diagrams/plots, results, conclusion (discussions, prospects), references, acknowledgments.

    Frontpage template
    6. The report should be uploaded not later than 1 week after the Wave has ended.
    7. After uploading, the report should be approved by the project supervisor. The supervisor does that by pressing the APPROVE button on the website. After that the report is considered officially submitted.
    8. The format of the uploaded report should be doc or pdf.
    9. To upload the report, go to your project page and press “Add report”.
    After the report is uploaded and approved, you will a get access to your participation certificate and will be able to download it.

  • Before accepting students on their projects, supervisors go through a great deal of preparation, which includes not only modifying their working schedule (cancelling business trips, shifting holidays, etc.), developing the project contents that would fit the applicants’ needs, but also the necessary paperwork required to make your online research officially possible. Therefore, it is extremely undesirable to suddenly quit your project without any reason. We truly hope this is not going to be the case. However, in case of emergency, please notify your project supervisor and the Team by email as soon as possible.
    In case you fail to notify your project supervisor and the INTEREST Team of your quitting the project and the reason for doing so, your account on the website will be suspended, which means you will not be able to apply for next Waves. Thank you for understanding.

  • INTEREST provides a unique opportunity to:
    - do science in the online format
    - raise your chances to be selected for JINR onsite programmes
    - learn more about JINR, its labs, conducted research, and the main facilities
    - build useful contacts
    - find a potential thesis supervisor
    - take a chance to start your scientific career with JINR

  • Participation in the programme is free-of-charge. Also, no payments/refunds/reimbursements to the participants are envisaged.

  • You can apply for a different project in a new Wave, provided it fits your field of interest and is beneficial for your work, thesis, etc. Please pay attention to the fact that your application does not guarantee selection.
    In case you quit the project and failed to notify your project supervisor and the INTEREST Team of that and the reason for doing so, your account on the website will be suspended, which means you will not be able to apply for next Waves.


Our Address

141980, Joliot-Curie 6, Dubna, Moscow Region

Email Us